Saturday, 9 May 2009

Make Money With Adsense Traffic Quality

Make money with AdSense traffic question was written to give you an idea of the magnitude of the task ahead.

It was really just number crunching to give you an idea of the amount of traffic you will need to get to your AdSense sites to make some money

Here we are going to talk about a more important factor with regards to AdSense traffic and that's Quality of traffic

I know you must have seen the adverts that offer you 10,000 visitors to your site for $15. I get them all the time in my spam box. The thing to do with these emails is to delete them. Bought traffic does not work with AdSense.

So what type of traffic works with AdSense. By works I mean will give you a decent click through rate on the AdSense ads displayed on your pages
  • Search engine traffic. It has got to be number one. Search engine traffic has been shown, time and time again, to be the best converting traffic for AdSense sites

    It really is why you need to apply some search engine optimization when writing posts for your blogs

    And when you go after search engine traffic, you must make sure that your blog ranks for keywords that are relevant to your ads. No point in getting a ton of search engine traffic about SEO when the page really draws social media ads. The way to avoid this is to optimize each post for a SMALL number of related keywords and make sure that your backlinks reflect this. [Think of the 'click here' and Adobe example]
  • Targeted Traffic. You want to draw people that are interested in the topic your post is about. No point in drawing retired folk to a student loan post. Your target traffic sources must be relevant to your websites content.

    Can you see why buying 10,000 hits for $15 is a waste of money now?

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