Getting a number one ranking and staying there for a relevant and lucrative keyword in Google is not going to be easy but it is possible.
It is why you need a strategy that works when doing SEO for your website.
It's about
creating a system that you work at everyday and only vary from when you find a better methodEmphasis on
everydayYou could decide to focus on article marketing and directory submissions for example. I am not saying you must do this, the methods you choose are totally up to you, as long as they help create long term, anchor text, do follow backlinks to your site.
For the example above, you could opt to do
directory submissions for 30 minutes to an hour every day and create and submit
articles for at least two hours every day.
Lets talk a little more about
directory submissions. Initially you will find that in half an hour you may only be able to post to 15 directories. But you'll find that as you get more experience with this, you'll get faster at it. or you may find a free software that semi-automates the process for you.
So initially you were looking at 15 directories a day and by the end of a few weeks you could be submitting to 60 directories a day.
You'll find that not all the directories will approve you links and some of them will turn out to be no follow or close down after a period of time. It's why you are going for a lot of volume with this method of generating backlinks
articles, this needs a little more time.
The articles will be
- articles for your website
- articles for your blog and
- articles to syndicate via article directories.
Obviously the quality of the content has to be great so it takes a little more time. Again the more you do this, the more articles you will be able to write in the time allotted. Initially it took me two hours to write a decent article. Now I put them out in 15 minutes.
Once you have a system in place, the periods of sitting in front of the PC not knowing what to do next are gone.
You have a plan, a solid plan that should last you the rest of your niche marketing career. Because if the system works you can apply it to your next website or blog or both and the one after that, etc
I said if the system works. For any system to be invested in, you need to
test the system and make sure it is giving you the desired results if not better.
The problem with SEO is the results are not immediate when it comes to changes in your website's search engine results page position.
You can however
- Do some backlink analysis to see if these links you have created are being indexed.
- Do some traffic analysis to see if they are bringing you direct traffic.
Analyze the system and see what is working and what isn't. You may find that you need to change the directory you are submitting to, or alter the call to action message in your biobox.
Whatever it is that you are doing in the system you develop, do it everyday and analyze and tweak
Till next time