Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Ezinearticles, Traffic and Your Website 4

Your biobox, the goldmine of ezinearticles

At the end of each article you post on ezinearticles is your biobox. This is a box in which you write something about yourself or your business. An 'about the author' so to speak.

The great thing is that ezine articles allows you to post two links in your biobox. They could be to a site or a blog or a forum post. [last time I checked affiliate links were not allowed].

You could make it a URL link or an anchor text link. This is the goldmine in ezine articles

In the body of your article, all you are aiming for is to get the attention, the interest, arouse the imagination of your readers. It is a 'wetting their appetite' campaign. It's the preview to your blockbuster movie. The gripping first chapter of your best selling novel.

The biobox is where you reel them in.

It is where you have a chance to deliver that line that they cannot say 'no' to.

It really is not good enough to have a biobox that says xyz is webmaster of yourdomain. This just is not going to make anyone want to click your link. Forget it, no matter how good that article is.

So how do you increase the click through rate of the URL in your biobox.

The key is to make them feel like they are missing something really valuable if they don't. WITHOUT MAKING IT SPAMMY

The work up for this starts in the body of your article's content. You must establish some authority with the content in your article. Gain their trust. Let them feel you know what it is you are talking about. So that when, in your biobox, you add visit mydomain for advanced level tips on whatever subject, they are bound to click.

Who wouldn't! You have already given some unique valuable content in your articles body. perhaps a little known tip dropped somewhere. By the end of the article, they will be gagging for more.

And then you tell them there's advanced [i.e deeper, higher, better without actually using those words] information to be had. All they need to do is click the link.

The question is does one use URL links or anchor text links in the biobox. I tend to use both. For the reason that I want them to see the name of the website I am linking to. So often one of the links will be anchor text and the other, direct URL link

Till next time

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