Wednesday, 4 February 2009

About Adwords

Regular readers of this blog would have noticed the emphasis is on making money as an affiliate marketer using free traffic from the search engines and other sources.

Having said that pay per click is something you must consider as well. Mainly adwords although I used other less well known services as well

And Adwords rocks, but you really have got to know what you are doing to make a profit with adwords. In an earlier post, we discussed the Googlecash method i.e writing adwords ads and sending the traffic straight to your affiliate link. In the past this worked and worked well. Nowadays this method still works but you really have got to be well versed in the workings of adwords.

I'll admit, when I first tried the Google cash method, I lost money. A lot of money. But with some training came the understanding of testing and sourcing out what will work and what is not likely to turn a profit. I used this training guide. There is a free email course to try before you buy, so to speak.

If you do a google search for any big affiliate course, you will find a long list of adsense ads sending traffic directly to affiliate links. So google cash must work for some. .

An alternate use of adwords in niche marketing is to set it up and send the traffic to your opt in form. If the ad is well written, you should get a significant number of opt ins.

This means there is the possibility of recurrent earnings from one adwords click

Makes sense to me

Till next time

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