Thursday, 25 March 2010

Adsense Tips CSS And Adsense Earnings

I never thought changing the way I build my websites could affect the adsense ads displayed on my websites.

Let me explain.

I have a website that the adsense ads are not targeted to the content on the page. I had done everything I could think of e.g optimize keyword density, ensured adequate content on the pages i.e. at least 300 word.

And still none targeted adsense ads.

I even put up some pages with the keywprd in different positions in the page name and still nothing.

The site is in a niche that attracts a lot of adwords advertisers so I knew there was a lot of ads in the keyword pool

So I thought I would change from monetizing with adsense to using a different program e.g. adbrite or info links. Which was a difficult decision for me because I have had some success with adsense on a large proportion of my other sites.

Before changing the advertiser, I decided to revamp the site. Convert from standard HTML to CSS.

My followers on Twitter will be aware of the period when I was making this change because like all nerds, I tweeted my progress.

I kept the content as is but used external style sheets to format my pages layout

You could have blown me over with a feather when I noticed the sites adsense revenue going up. Hmm and yes I forgot to change monetization... and am I glad I did.

What gives?

Reviewing the pages showed the adsense ads were targeted to my content.

Same content, same page names, just external style sheets resulting in targeted adsense ads and better CTR.

Watch some CSS Tutorial Videos Below

Adobe Dreamweaver: Creating CSS Layouts


Course Overview

What’s Covered in the Tutorial

What is CSS?

Why Use CSS?

What You Need to Know

Core Concepts of CSS

Understanding Styles

Style Syntax

Creating Embedded Styles

Creating an External Style Sheet pt. 1

Creating an External Style Sheet pt. 2

Organizing & Managing External Style Sheets

Dreamweaver CSS Styles Panel

CSS Styles Panel – All Mode

CSS Styles Panel – Current Mode

Selector Basics

About Selectors

Class Selector

ID Selector

Context Selectors

When to Use ID vs. Class

Editing Style Rules in Dreamweaver

Managing Multiple Styles

How Styles Cascade

Cascading Rules pt. 1

Cascading Rules pt. 2


Tips for Managing Style Cascades & Inheritance

CSS Building Blocks

About Div Tags

Drawing AP Divs in Dreamweaver

Inserting AP Divs in Dreamweaver

Adding Child Divs

Using Contextual Selectors with Divs

Div Widths & Heights



Resetting Browser Default Margin & Padding


Border Width & Color

Wireframing with Dashed Borders


Why Formatting Text is Important

Choosing Fonts

Web-safe Fonts

Font Size

Applying Styles to Text

Setting Line Height

Letter Spacing

Other Font Properties

Tips for Improving Text Legibility


Indenting Paragraphs

Drop Caps

Color / Backgrounds / Images

Selecting Color Palettes for Your Design

Specifying Colors

Background Properties

The GIF Image Format

The JPEG Image Format

The PNG Image Format

Background Image - Properties

Background Image - Repeat & Positioning

Formatting Links & Lists

Understanding Link States

Link Formatting Options

Setting Up Multiple Link Schemes

Hover Link & Image Linking Tips

CSS List Properties

CSS Bullet Lists Images

Layout Basics

About CSS Page Layouts

Drawing AP Divs in Dreamweaver

Inserting Div Tags

Working with AP Divs in Dreamweaver

HTML Code for AP Div Elements

CSS & the Box Model

Floats & Clearing

Static vs. Relative Positioning

Absolute Positioning

Mixing Absolute & Relative Positioning

Fixed Positioning

Types of Web Page Layouts

Types of Web Page Layouts

Liquid Layouts

Elastic Layouts

Variable Fixed-Width Layouts

Putting it all Together: Sample Projects

Using Dreamweaver CSS Templates

Techniques for Learning Template Styles

Modifying Styles: Div Borders

Modifying Styles: Text Headers

Modifying Styles: Text & Images

Modifying Styles: Div Columns & Links

Creating CSS Pages from Scratch

Creating Styles from Scratch

Tips for Creating Styles

Tips for Applying Styles

Checking for Cross Browser CSS Problems

Wrap Up

Course Wrap Up

Where to Learn More

About the Author

Friday, 19 March 2010

RSS Feed For Traffic Increase Website Traffic With RSS

RSS feeds are something you need to get into as a niche marketer if you are serious about getting traffic to your blog.

It really is amazing how easy it is.

If you use any of the standard blogging platforms like blogger or Wordpress, you already have an inbuilt RSS feed generator. So why are you not leveraging it?

I have been an enthusiast of RSS feeds for a while now and have written a few posts on RSS feeds on this blog.

And I have always used RSS Feeds in conjunction with other traffic generating methods. After all it's about multiple sources of traffic

Anyway I put RSS to the test on a brand new blog I set up a few weeks ago

First, I focused on getting content to the blog, so no advertising, no monetization, no link building, just content with some on page optimization.

It's a wordpress blog so I suppose it already has some potential to get traffic. And I was getting about 7 to 10 visits a day which is pants but not bad for a site with no incoming links. Having said that a lot of the traffic was people trying to post spammy comments :(

Once I had 10 good quality posts up I decided it was time to test out the RSS feed theory. So i submitted my feed to a bunch of feed directories and then went on to other things.

What happened to my blog traffic? Getting 100 to 200 visits a day

I wouldn't believe it if I didn't test it out myself.

I think the RSS feeds work because some of the feed directories have do follow links and help your search engine position.

Also people use your feeds to generate content for their sites. Especially now that autoblogging is on the rise

The question arises. How often should you submit your RSS feeds to the directories. I submitted only once to each directory and I think that one RSS feed submission per directory is enough.

But even submitting once to all the feed directories can be a big drain on your time, especially if like me you have a bunch of websites

To get round this I use this RSS submitter. It's reliable and really easy to use

So something to consider guys. Submit you RSS feeds to the feeds directories for traffic

Till next time

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Generating Traffic Using You Tube

You tube is phenomenal with regards to users and traffic. I can confidently say that 90% of you reading this post have viewed a youtube video this month. And over 50% have viewed a you tube video this week. Just take a moment to think about it. You tube has such great user base and you can tap into this traffic and get some to your website or blog

And a lot of marketers like you and I have gone out and got camtasia and made our videos and posted them to you tube and waited.... Expecting a stampede of traffic to our sites. And nothing happens.

Part of the problem is people want to watch videos that have already been verified by other viewers. And the means of verification is number of views.

Take a moment to think about it. If you have two videos with exactly the same title on you tube. One has 5000 views and the other has 23, which do you click on?

For most of us we click on the one that already has a lot of views. The presumption is if a lot of people are watching 'that' video, it must be the better one

So how do you get the necessary number of views to attract real viewers to your videos.

The answer is so simple I was stunned when it occurred to me. We keep banging on about sources of targeted traffic. And during our analysis of different traffic generating methods we discard some because they do not get us real traffic that converts.

Why not use these methods to generate views for your you tube videos?

Methods like traffic exchanges for example.

Remember the aim is not to get real visitors initially but to get your number of views up.It is the high number of views that then attracts the real targeted traffic who will watch your video and hopefully click through to your site

Monday, 8 March 2010

Autoblogging | Pros and Cons of Autoblogging

Autoblogging has become pretty famous or in some cases infamous lately. Before I launch in, I should perhaps explain what autoblogging is

Autoblogging is short for automatic blogging. Autoblogging involves generating content for your blog from other sources online. The sources could be RSS feeds from other blogs, ezinearticles, you tube, press releases etc. Anything that syndicates it's content via RSS

Anyone reading between the lines will understand why autoblogging has recently become more popular. Webmasters are waking up to the concept of on page optimization. For a while there we abandoned all and focused primarily on getting backlinks. Because we thought backlinks were the key to good search engine position. And they do have a big part to play.

But soon we realized that the amount of content you have on your pages has a lot to do with the ranking and search engine positioning of our pages. So now we are back to generating a ton of content for our pages.

Problem is generating genuine, unique content ain't easy and it can be time consuming. This little post on autoblogging, I am certain, will take me about 30 minutes to complete. Add on that the time taken to research and understand the topic.

So if I wanted to post 3 or 4 articles on this blog a day, that would take a lot of hours. Not time I have especially since I have a handful of websites and blogs

With autoblogging, you can use other peoples' content to populate your blog. This suddenly means the time limit on the number of posts you can generate is gone. So you can set your autoblog to post 3, 4 , 20 whatever number of articles you choose a day.

Problem with autoblogging is the content is not unique. It is duplicate content and therefore you have already given your blog a distinct disadvantage from the start. Having said that the share quantity of content may make up for this

Earlier I mentioned that autoblogging is infamous with some marketers and I'd better clarify that. Autoblogs are not popular with the search engines especially Google. If we keep in mind that Google's main aim is to deliver relevant results to keyword searches, it becomes immediately clear why autoblogs are not their favorite blogs

Also going through the forums, a few webmasters have reported an adsense ban which they feel is due to their use of the autoblogging technique.

Personally, I do not autoblog and have no intention of doing so in the near future. This and all my other web properties are focused on delivering unique and useful content to my visitors. As a result I am not an expert on autoblogs but I feel it is important to tell you, my blog visitors about autoblogging. It may be something you want to pursue

More information on autoblogging at autoblogs explained

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Website Traffic Analysis Hits Versus Unique Visitors

Website traffic analysis is crucial if your website is your source of income. And a lot of us do have tracking of one sort or the other on our sites

I was on one of the affiliate marketing forums a few days ago and someone kept talking about how many hits he was getting on his site and why this was not converting to clicks....something along those lines

And reading through the thread and other similar forum threads, it occurred to me that a lot of the people responding could not distinguish between website hits and unique visitors.

You could get one unique visitor on your web page and record 15 or more hits for that visitor

A 'hit' refers to how many individual small packages of information on your website are loaded.

So if you have a web page with 8 different images, an RSS feed and a PDF, each of these are individual elements on your page and constitute individual 'hits'. One page load, 9 page elements, 9 hits, one visitor.

For the serious marketer, what you are looking for is the number of unique visitors you are getting on your website. Its the visitor that clicks the adsense ad or follows your affiliate link, or signs up to your email list. It's the visitor that you want to know how they found your site and which keywords appeal to them and where they go once they are on your site. It really is important to make the distinction between hits and unique visitors when doing your traffic analysis

Spot The Internet Marketing Cowboys

Internet marketing or affiliate marketing con artists.
Admit it you may have fallen for one or two. I certainly did early in my Internet marketing carrier. You know those ebooks that promise you the earth and deliver.... sod all!
Now, a little wiser, there are some tell-tale signs that you are about to be hijacked rather than gain a whole load of useful knowledge

Here are a few

Any headline or ebook name with the word 'guaranteed'
Now I am not saying that they are all scams but no-one can guarantee any results with any technique!!
All you need to do to confirm this is scroll down and read their disclaimer.
An example of these headlines is '300 targeted visitors free to your website in the next 15 minutes guaranteed' Come on! And people pay their hard earned money for this stuff.
Or 'Get on page one of Google within 1 week, guaranteed' Yeah right!

Ebooks that show you 'How to make $xyza.bc from adsense'
You can be sure that you will not make $xyza.bc if you implement their techniques.

Having said that, you'll probably pick up a tip or two about adsense so it's not a dead loss

Clickbank proof of income or adsense proof of income that doesn't add up
It's reassuring when you go to buy a product and there is a clickbank proof of income or adsense proof of income attached to it. And a lot of us do not bother looking at the numbers. The large dollar figures are so impressive, aren't they?
But sometimes when you take the time to add up the numbers... they do not add up. Oops.
You would think if they were smart enough to know how to doctor their proof of income, they would be smart enough to make sure the doctored numbers add up.

E Book training by a Jack of all trades
This one really isn't a scam.
But if you find a man who claims to be an expert in every sub niche of Internet marketing, it is more likely that he is regurgitating what he or she has read rather than what he has learned through personal experience. Let me explain.

Take Perry Marshall of the definitive guide to Google Adwords. Perry focuses on adwords, he is experienced with adwords, he has made a ton of money with adwords. So when he writes a guide about adwords, we sit up and take notice. This is someone who knows what he is talking about because he has been there and done it all

Another example is Joel Comm of Google Adsense Secrets. Joel knows adsense and again when he talks about adsense we listen.

The thing about these two gurus is they stick to the niches they know. It keeps there training relevant and credible.

What would happen if either of these guys suddenly started churning out books on email marketing, ebay secrets, social networking insider tips and all what not.
I don't know about you but I think 'How can one guy be jack of all trades and master of all' Not likely

Till next time