Sunday 16 November 2008

USfreeads and niche Marketing. Does USfreeads work?

USfreeads is a free classifieds site with paid option that a lot of marketers especially bum marketers use

And you will see a lot of blog posts extolling the virtues of USfreeads, with the necessary affiliate link of course :) , and telling you how very easy it is

And I, as a newbie affiliate marketer, saw one the afore mentioned blog posts, and hurriedly went and signed up for a free USfreeads account.

I rolled out a handful of ads and waited and waited and ...... nothing. not a sale, no onslaught of traffic, nothing

And to make things worse, after what seemed like a short period of time, my ads became inactive!!!

So I was perplexed and thought, there must be something in it. There must be a way of using USfreeads to promote my niche websites

So after a lot of research and experimenting I found a few answers

So here is a list of the things that I think contribute to my improved results with USfreeads

USfreeads tip 1: Get the paid option. It's only $10 a month and you can post a lot of ads with this membership. Click on USFreeAds to sign up

USfreeads tip 2: Test everything. You need to test and track your ads. Use unique tracking codes when setting up the affiliate links to be used in your ads campaign, so you can know when the sales are coming from you ads campaign

USfreeads tip 3: Put up loads of ads. those that have success using USfreeads have stated they have 70 to 100 ads running at any one time. You can weed out the ads that are not generating sales and replace them with new ads

USfreeads tip 4: Apply basic on page SEO when writing your ads. That way your ads will do well in the search engines and you can get tons of traffic to the ad campaign

More info at USFreeAds marketing Guide

Till next time


Anonymous said...

Hello, thank you for the great post re. usfreeads.
I had been wondering if this was a good site to post ads in.

I have several online stores; I sell handcrafted Eco-Glamour purses, Cherished Treasure Boxes, Greeting Cards, and more.

I am always looking for ways to put out the word about my stores.

I really appreciate the post as it gives detailed information on how to successfully make use of usfreeads to promote and sell your products.

Thank you for a wonderful article!


Samuel Douglas said...

Nice article. I came across USfreeads when looking for ways to get visitors to my android tablet website
I must say it did not work for me at all for like 2 months, then I change some phrases in my title and overtime I got better ranking. I did upgrade to premium membership but as I said, it took me 2-3 months to realize a profit from this. I can only move upwards from here.