Saturday 23 January 2010

Multiple Sources Of Visitors

Andy asked an important question on getting backlinks and visitors in a previous post of mine and I think it needs to be addressed

Andy has been using easysubmits to try to get backlinks to his site and although he has garnered some do follow links, things are not moving along quickly

Directories are okay
I am a little luke warm on directory submissions but in the absence of any other backlinks, they are an easy method of getting backlinks that is not time consuming....especially if you are using a semi-automated product like easy submits

You must have noticed "luke warm"

A lot of the free directories use no follow attribute on their outbound links. This is an established fact.
Also even the ones that do follow, the majority are low PR pages.
I would only use directory submissions in my downtime. Not as a major backlinking strategy. And certainly not as a source of visitors. DMOZ is great, if you have 1.5 years to wait for that one link

You need multiple methods of creating backlinks, preferably do follow backlinks and you need multiple sources of visitor

Better methods of generating backlinks include

Write pillar articles. Articles that are so through and informative that others in your niche will link to it

Build your own network of blogs.
These do not have to be blogs on accounts hosted by you. There are loads of free blogging platforms on the Internet that allow you to build your own little blog on their platform. This means you can build content on those sites and put links anywhere within the body of your article

Guest Blogging. Kim Roach is pretty keen on this one. I personally like to keep my content on my pages, but guest blogging is one way of syndicating your content and getting backlinks and visitors to your sites.

Forum participation. It may be an old and often abused method but forum participation is one of those things that will be around for ages because it works. Even if the forums are no follow, if your contributions to the forums are useful, visitors will click on your link or profile to see your site

Social Bookmarking. Again a great source of visitors to your sites if done right. The links are often no follow or redirects but if you have the right type of friends and followers. traffic from these social networking sites can be ginormous

I cannot overemphasize it. You need multiple methods of building backlinks and multiple sources of visitors to your sites to make this work

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